Discovery Cast

Did you miss the first part of season 1, or you just want a refresher on who is who on Discovery? This is the page for you. Caution: There are a few spoilers, if you haven't seen the show, but only as much as is required to give you basic knowledge of the characters. Plot points are being strictly avoided.

Gabriel Lorca - Captain ???? of the U.S.S. Discovery. Lorca's previous ship met with disaster, but he is trying to redeem himself. His eyes are sensitive to bright light due to an injury. He is not a man who plays by the rules. The risks he takes show overconfidence. His success, and the fact that he had a passed relationship with Admiral Cornwell, has so far kept him in good graces.
Saru - First officer ???. Saru's species is Kelpien. They were hunted for food on their native planet. Kelpiens have tendrils on the back of their head that warn them of danger. Saru does everything by the book and is a little paranoid. He both resents and respects Michael for her capabilities. His goal is to become a captain.
Ellen Landry - Chief of Security ???. Landry admires Lorca and thinks like him. She is willing to do anything he commands.
Hugh Culber - Lieutenant Commander ???. One of the doctors aboard Discovery. We haven't seen much of him so far, but he seems kind. Culber and Stamets are in a long term relationship. Culber always sees to Stamets's medical needs personally.
Airiam - Lieutenant Commander ???. Little is known about Airiam so far. She is a synthetically augmented human and serves on the bridge as an operations officer.
Paul Stamets - Chief Engineer ??. Stamets is a scientist whose research pulled him into becoming an engineer on Discovery. While Stamets is not concerned with being a soldier, Starfleet is using his technology to fight a war. His interests lie in the convergence of subatomic physics and biology. Stamets has an abrasive personality, but once he befriends someone, he is very warm. Stamets and Culber are a couple.
Ash Tyler - Lieutenant ??. A recent addition to the ship, Tyler has shown himself to be a capable soldier and valuable crewman. During the war, he was captured by the Klingons and tortured. L'Rell took a special interest in him. Tyler is working through PTSD while at the same time discovering he has feelings for Burnham.
Keyla Detmer - Lieutenant ??. Newly promoted from Juniour Grade. Serves as helmsman aboard Discovery. She served with Burnham on the Shenzhou. She now has implants on the left side of her head to compensate for a battle injury.
_____ Rhys - Lieutenant ??. Tactical officer.
Milton Richter - Lieutenant ??. Communications officer.
Joann Owosekun - Lieutenant J.G. ?? Operations officer.
R.A. Ryce - Lieutenant Junior Grade ?? Communications Officer
Sylvia Tilly - Cadet ?. Tilly has a bright and friendly personality. She has her sights on becoming a captain. She and Burnham are roommates and friends.
Michael Burnham - Specialist. Chosen by Lorca to serve on Discovery due to her past unconventional behavior and her intellect, even though she has been convicted of a crime. Michael grew up on Vulcan, raised by Sarek, Spock's father. She and Sarek share a telepathic conection. When she was denied entrance into the Vulcan Academy, Burnham chose to join Starfleet. She served aboard the Shenzhou under captain Georgiou. Michael doesn'y necessarily behave like a Vulcan although she has superior intellect and has been through rigorous training. She has trouble interacting with other humans socially. Lorca's faith in her seems to be paying off. Burnham is entering into her first romantic relationship with Tyler.
Philippa Georgiou - Captain ???? of the USS Shenzhou. She is Burnham's mentor and former captain. Georgiou felt like Burnham betrayed her.
Katrina Cornwell - Vice Admiral ////. Cornwell is a psychiatrist. She and Lorca formerly had a romantic relationship. She is worried about Lorca in his new command.
Terral - Admiral /////. Vulcan.
Sarek - Ambassador. Vulcan who married a human. He is Spock's father and Burnham's adoptive father. He seems to share a closer connection with Burnham than Spock.