Theories on Klingon Ship Classes

Stardate: -209628.68: There is now a page about the Klingon ship designs from Discovery's Season 1. They are beautiful ships, but also very mysterious. If anyone has more information on these designs, please contact me at @yayameenk.

Discovery & Canon

Stardate: -210258.14: I discuss Star Trek Discovery and its differences and similarities to previous Trek series. Also I have updated the format of the Starship chart and added more information. I will continue adding images and updates to it in the near future.

Return of the Enterprise

Stardate -210609.19: Discovery season 1 has completed and the Enterprise is back. This is a great teaser for the 2nd season. Here is a review of the new look for the classic ship.

Party Time!

Stardate -210660.11: Here's a look back at last year's party. It was a unique party, in that we don't know long it lastesd.

Dicovery On the Flip Side

Stardate -210673.07: Lots of changes to the site. The episode table is now configurable for better viewing. I am going to continue adding capabilities to it. There are more links for the episodes as well. Just click on the episode name for the associated links. Since Discovery is in the mirror uiverse, I have added a Mirror Photo gallery. Check out Captain Killy!

Dicovery Continues

Stardate -210717.50: Tonight's Discovery episode showed us the mirror universe. I didn't think they would want to delve into this topic this early, but I predicted that Stamets vision in the mirror forshadowed the spore drive taking them into the mirror universe. This also helps to explain why the spore drive is not used in the future. It is too dangerous and unpredictable. Although you think Voyager would have tried it at some point.

I have made updates to the Discovery ships page. I am almost ready to add the Discovery ships to the star fleet ship table. I just need a little more info. Also, tonight's episode showed a depiction of a Constitution class vessel. Given the image, it looks like they have made changes to the design. The pylons are not straight and the saucer seems to have a more complex shape. It is tricky modifying the most classic starship in Sci-Fi history. I advocate for minor embelishments that make you feel like the ship must have always looked that way. Major changes risk angering the fans. Since the ship in question isn't the Enterprise, they may get away with showing it on screen.

Merry Christmas

Stardate -210748.04: Added information about the cast of Discovery. Catch up on who's who before the series resumes.

Star Trek Continues Finale

Stardate -210871.06: Star Trek Continues Series Finale, "To Boldly Go", hit it out of the park! The special effects were improved, and there were lots of them. The plot was capped nicely. They tried to resolve as much as they could, not only with their own story, but with some trek universe loose ends as well. They gave the series a farewell with some touching moments. I encourage all trekkers to watch the show. It has amazing quality.

Discovery Fall Finale

Stardate: -210871.06: The mid-season finale of Discovery was fairly interesting. Without divulging too many spoilers for people who haven't seen all the episodes, I think I can say that Discovery ends the season at an unknown location. We have a few visual clues as to their whereabouts. I have my own theories...

Discovery Starship appearance

Stardate -210877.76: The look of the starships in Discovery has been pretty interesting. The Federation ships have kept the overall design concept that we are familiar with, but the asthetic has been to incorporate sharp angles in combination with the with the curved aerodynamic features that we became acustomed to since TNG. I think this was preferable to the rather blank sort of ships that we saw in the Original Series. You have to wonder what will happen if a constitution class vessel, like the Enterprise is shown in the Discovery series. Will they keep the original look or have the temerity to change the starship design of the most iconic science fiction vessel? The D7 battle cruiser was totally redefined.
The Klingon ships have become art pieces with no functional considerations. The shuttles remind me of some sort of peacock. Not only do the vessels look foolishly like actual birds, the lack of consistency makes identifying Klingon ships, other than the bird-of-prey, difficult.

Visitor Milestone

In October, monthly visits increased to 500. OK, this is pretty low, but it's an improvement.


This is a web site for my observations on Star Trek